Unitxt conforms to the Huggingface datasets and metrics API, so it can be used without explicitly installing the unitxt package.
import evaluate
from datasets import load_dataset
from transformers import pipeline
dataset = load_dataset('unitxt/data', 'card=cards.wnli,template=templates.classification.multi_class.relation.default,max_test_instances=20',trust_remote_code=True)
testset = dataset["test"]
model_inputs = testset["source"]
model = pipeline(model='google/flan-t5-base')
predictions = [output['generated_text'] for output in model(model_inputs,max_new_tokens=30)]
metric = evaluate.load("unitxt/metric",trust_remote_code=True)
scores = metric.compute(predictions=predictions,references=testset)
Note, the trust_remote_code=True flag is required because in the background the Huggingface API downloads and installs the latest version of unitxt. The core of unitxt has minimal dependencies (none beyond Huggingface evaluate). Note that specific metrics or other operators, may required specific dependencies, which are checked before the first time they are used. An error message is printed if the there are missing installed dependencies.
The benefit of using the Huggingface API approach is that you can load a Unitxt dataset, just like every other Huggingface dataset, so it can be used in preexisting code without modifications. However, this incurs extra overhead when Huggingface downloads the unitxt package and does not expose all unitxt capabilities (e.g. defining new datasets, metrics, templates, and more)
To get the full capabilities of Unitxt , install Unitxt locally from pip:
pip install unitxt
You can then use the API:
from unitxt import load_dataset,evaluate
from unitxt.inference import HFPipelineBasedInferenceEngine
dataset = load_dataset('card=cards.wnli,template=templates.classification.multi_class.relation.default,max_test_instances=20')
test_dataset = dataset["test"]
inference_model = HFPipelineBasedInferenceEngine(model_name=model_name, max_new_tokens=32)
predictions = inference_model.infer(test_dataset)
scores = evaluate(predictions=predictions, data=test_dataset)