Running Unitxt with HELM

HELM + Unitxt

Unitxt can be integrated with HELM, enabling you to select and evaluate models from the extensive HELM models catalog with data recipes created by Unitxt.

First, install HELM at version v0.5.0 or later:

pip install --upgrade 'crfm-helm[unitxt]>=0.5.0'

Next, define your preferred Unitxt recipe:


If you’re unsure about your choice, you can use the Explore Unitxt tool for an interactive recipe exploration UI. After making your selection, click on Generate Prompts, and then click on the Code tab. You will see a code snippet such as the following:

dataset = load_dataset('unitxt/data', 'card=cards.wnli,template=templates.classification.multi_class.relation.default,max_train_instances=5', split='train')

The second string parameter to load_dataset() is the recipe. Note that you will have to remove max_train_instances=5 from the recipe before using it in HELM, as the max_train_instances parameter is not supported when using Unitxt in HELM. If you wish to use few-shot in-context learning, you should configure this using the num_demos and demos_pool_size parameters instead e.g. num_demos=5,demos_pool_size=10.

Select the model you wish to evaluate from the HELM catalog (for a comprehensive list, refer to:


To execute the evaluation, combine the components with the following command:

helm-run \
    --run-entries "unitxt:$recipe,model=$model" \
    --max-eval-instances 10 --suite v1

Unitxt also supports evaluating models available on the Hugging Face Hub:

helm-run \
    --run-entries "unitxt:$recipe,model=$model" \
    --enable-huggingface-models $model \
    --max-eval-instances 10 --suite v1

To summarize the results of all runs within the created suite, use:

helm-summarize --suite v1

To view the aggregated results look at benchmark_output/runs/v1/unitxt:$recipe,model=${model///_}/stats.json

Finally, to review the predictions in your web browser, execute:
